The Penultimate Homepage on the Web
Hello all, and welcome to my website. You've done well to come here to my little corner of the World Wide Web and I do thank you for visiting. This is full of things I, your webmaster, love and wish to share with the world. I hope you discover something new (or even something old) to you here! I try to make this place feel not to dissimilar from how it feels to be inside on a rainy winter's afternoon, when you're under a dozen blankets, hot drink in hand. With any luck, that has been invoked!
This website was founded on the 16th of June 2020 and was designed with desktop in mind. The last major update was on the 27th of October 2022; I added a recipe for soup. I work on this website very little, so I apologise, but if you do like what I’m doing on here, please consider bookmarking this page, sending it to a friend, linking me to your site with my button; do whatever works best for you!
I hope you're staying well and safe. My love to you now and always.
Your webmaster,

Jenny Holzer, Public Art, Times Square, New York, 1982 [x]